November 29, 2024 | BPS Activities
The Republic of Indonesia Civil Service Corps (KORPRI) is an organization that accommodates the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in Indonesia. Not just an organization, KORPRI is also a forum for ASN to innovate, collaborate and achieve for a better Indonesia.
The Serdang
Bedagai Regency Central Statistics Agency held a Commemoration Ceremony for
KORPRI's 53rd Anniversary on Friday, November 29 2024 at the Serdang Bedagai
Regency BPS office. Carrying the theme "KORPRI for Indonesia", acting
as the ceremony supervisor, Head of the BPS Administration Subdivision of
Serdang Bedagai Regency: Khairani, SE.
On this occasion, Khairani read the address of the President of the Republic of Indonesia. This mandate invites the entire Central and Regional KORPRI management boards to reactivate all KORPRI programs and activities that are in line with the great goals of this organization.
53rd Anniversary, KORPRI for Indonesia.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Serdang BedagaiJl. Negara Medan - Tebing Tinggi Kompleks Instansi Vertikal - Sei Rampah 20695 Telp : (0621) 441805 ; Fax : (0621) 441806 ; Email :